
About the core We aim to connect countryside and city through the promotion of communication and education actions, united with women from various professions, who work with agribusiness and are engaged in the mission of spreading transparent, ethical, and positive information about the sector. Regions Maringá, Cascavel, Toledo, Paranavaí, Nova Aurora, Cornélio Procópio, São Jorge […]


About the core We aim to connect countryside and city through the promotion of communication and education actions, united with women from various professions, who work with agribusiness and are engaged in the mission of spreading transparent, ethical, and positive information about the sector. Regions Bahia Images Get in touch! Coordinator: Luciane Barrém +55 77 […]

What happened in October in the Agroligadas centers

Check out all the actions and events held throughout the country During the month of October, the Agroligadas promoted and participated in several events relevant to agribusiness, continuing the purpose of uniting the countryside and the city. Check out everything that has happened in the last 30 days and where we have been – and […]

Bahia Chapter begins educational actions of the Agroligadas Movement in the Northeast

Event brought together children who got to know about the cotton crop and its sub-products up close Starting the actions promoted by the Agroligadas’s Core in Bahia, the first educational event in the region took place last Friday, October 21st. In partnership with the De Mãos Dadas Project, the Agroligadas took 70 children to the […]

Sapezal – MT

About the core Our goal is to be an increasingly strong and numerous group of women connected to agriculture, with the purpose of being a bridge between the countryside and the city. We develop actions mainly related to communication and education, promoting and disseminating a positive Agribusiness culture. Regions Sapezal Images Get in touch! Coordinator: […]

Agroligadas hold the 2nd Technological Fair in Sapezal

The event approached technologies applied to day-to-day livestock farming Last week, the Sapezal Agroligadas held the 2nd edition of the Agro Technology Fair, an event attended by educators from all public and private schools in the municipality. With the objective of showing the technologies applied in the day to day of the cattle-raising activities, lectures […]

Agroligadas from Sinop invite you to Norte Show Kids

The event starts tomorrow, the 19th, and counts on a special action developed by the Movement with a focus on 4th grade children This Tuesday, April 19th, another edition of the Norte Show will start in Sinop (MT), and this time, the core Agroligadas will have a very special partnership with the event. Aiming at […]

Event gathers 150 women to discuss more efficient ways of communication between countryside and city

Strengthening, union, integration, and feminine powers capable of filling gaps in a unique and special way: all this will be in the memories of the first Agroligadas Workshop – Empowering to transform, held throughout Tuesday, 17, in Cuiabá, with the presence of more than 150 women from all over the state and with the objective of discussing more efficient forms of communication and connection between the countryside and the city.