Connecting the countryside and the city: this is being Agroligada.

The Agroligadas Movement is formed by women in Agro with the purpose of connecting the countryside and the city.

women connected
present cities
achieved states
events held
impacted people

About us

Pleased to meet you, we are Agroligadas.

Formed by professional women in Agribusiness, the Agroligadas have the purpose of connecting the countryside and the city with truth, ethics, courage, commitment, and love, through educational and communication actions.

We showed that agro is in everything, everywhere, in everyone’s day to day life.

We advocate transparent communication, with reliable information, empathy, and sensitivity.

We are the result of the union of strong, protagonist women who live for Agribusiness and fight for the sector’s prosperity.

We are many, we are all.

5 years living a Purpose

Five years ago we decided to give life to the Agroligadas Movement. What we didn’t know is that it was actually the Movement that would bring a lot of life to us.

Since we started our mission – to connect the country and the city – we have traveled inside and outside ourselves, met many people, many places, and connected many stories.

It has been 60 months of sowing in other people the desire to help agribusiness become bigger and better. It has been 5 years of planting information and harvesting the fellowship of women who want to see agro happen and do their best to make it happen.

Get to know our work fronts


ur communication objective is to develop projects and actions with information about the field, creating connections and spaces for dialogue with society.

How do we do it? Simple!

We create agribusiness content for social networks, radio programs, events and many other media.


We need to make the population aware from an early age about the importance of agribusiness. And to create a positive farming culture, we develop educational projects with the participation of young people, children and teachers.

One example is the Dia de Campo Agroligadas project, which provides secure and up-to-date information about the 

Technical Committee

Basement. This is the starting point for the Agroligadas team.

This means that all project and action content is produced by professionals who are authorities in agribusiness. The material created gathers technical information and serves as a source of knowledge and updating for all members of the movement.

Exchange of information and constant evolution. This is what makes the Agroligadas movement increasingly important.


To be Agroligada is to be present in the Agro chain.

And to be present, we carry out and participate in several events.

Most of them together with other fronts, for members of the movement and also for the external public.

These are training, qualification and communication events with society. Thus, we connect the countryside and the city even more.

Institutional Relations

Dialoguing to evolve: one of the purposes of Agroligadas.

We always seek to approach institutions that represent classes and politics. Thus, we create space for public and collective debates in a non-partisan way, we establish articulation with entities, organizations and different spheres of public power.

And so we evolved. Connecting different groups in society, always thinking about the future of agribusiness.



Wear the Agroligadas shirt. Use our products.

Find and advertise job openings with Agroligadas.

The Women in Agribusiness are increasingly present in the job market and one of our goals is to make the researches in the sector point to an increasing female presence in the sector. In collaboration with this, we have made available here some job opportunities for you, women in agriculture!

Agroligadas: women with a lot of content.

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Agro Bulletin

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Check out our program on CBN Radio.

National Supporters

Institutional Supporters

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Seja bem-vinda,

Preencha todos os itens com calma para que possamos te cadastrar e para entendermos mais de você!

Agroligadas é um movimento de mulheres ligadas ao Agro nas diferentes cadeias, sem fins lucrativos, com a MISSÃO de reunir e somar esforços em prol da defesa do setor produtivo, somando ideias pelo mesmo ideal, tendo como propósito ser ponte entre o campo e a sociedade, por meio de ações de EDUCAÇÃO e COMUNICAÇÃO .

Juntas somos mais fortes e unidas vamos mais longe!

(Estamos felizes por tê-la conosco).

Geni Schenkel,
Presidente Agroligadas
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