National projects move Agroligadas’ year 2022

In 2022, after two years of activities carried out mostly online, the Agroligadas are resuming face-to-face projects and events. Many of them will take place in various locations in Brazil, seeking to reinforce the representativeness of women in agribusiness and the sector in the midst of society.

Let’s find out what the next projects will be, where and how they will be realized? Check it out below:

  • Agroligadas Tour in the Pantanal

Scheduled to take place this June, the project is a trip for Coordinators, with the objective of broadening their knowledge horizons. It will also be a meeting aimed at technical training, strengthening networking among women, and experiences about other cultures and productions.

  • Rural Tourism

An event that aims to bring together people with influential notoriety in agribusiness activities. It will take place in August 2022, in order to reinforce the positive image of agribusiness that we seek to spread, and to give even more visibility to agribusiness among the groups that are outside the farm gate.

  • Field Day

With a date set for October this year, the Field Day is an event that brings students, teachers, and university students closer to the field activities. Enabling many exchanges, connections, and learning, the Field Day seeks to disseminate qualified knowledge and reaffirm the positivity of agribusiness in society. It is a great bridge of knowledge, leading the participants to acquire awareness about the origin of the food and other products linked to the production chain.

  • WS Agroligadas Leadership

In November 2022 a meeting of national and regional leaders will take place to redirect the movement’s work for the coming seasons. It will be focused on the alignment of the Agroligadas culture, in order to create an environment for interaction between nuclei and management. The event will also take care of issues such as updating projects and guidelines for the current year, as well as showcasing results and projects that were outstanding.

All the Agroligadas projects and events are built and executed with the good of the collectivity in mind, so that women can conquer even more space in the milieu and take agribusiness even further. To follow our daily routine, follow our profiles on the social networks:

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