
About the core

We aim to connect countryside and city through the promotion of communication and education actions, united with women from various professions, who work with agribusiness and are engaged in the mission of spreading transparent, ethical, and positive information about the sector.


Maringá, Cascavel, Toledo, Paranavaí, Nova Aurora, Cornélio Procópio, São Jorge do Ivaí, Nova Aliança do Ivaí, and others.

Get in touch!

Regional Coordinators PR:

Talita Cristina Pereira

+55 44 999861898

Izabela Batalini

+55 44 999110535

Marina Baggio

+55 44 997365758

E-mail: [email protected]

Toledo – PR

Coordinator: Ana Carolina Clivatti Ferronato

[email protected]

44 99851-8557

Vice Coordinator: Juciely Tonial

[email protected]

45 99821-4313

Daliana Hisako Uemura Lima

[email protected]

45 99851224

Tami Natalia Perecin Ghedin

[email protected]

46 991283437

São Jorge Do Ivaí – PR

Coordinator: Renata Gomes Jorge

[email protected]

44 98827-3294

Nova Aurora – PR

Coordinator: Luana P Blanco Gerona

[email protected]

Cascavel – PR

Coordinator: Emanoele Poleze

45- 99844-3351

[email protected]

Londrina – PR

Coordinator: Mariana S. Salles

[email protected]

43 99112-8722

Imbaú – PR

Coordinator: Loiva T B Casaril

[email protected]


Laranjeiras do Sul – PR

Coordinator: Amanda Rafaela Pinto de Oliveira Padilha Veronese


[email protected]


Marciele Mezzari