Retrospective 2022: actions and projects carried out by the Nuclei

The year 2022 was very busy for all the Agroligadas centers that are spread around the country. We have carried out many actions and projects in the last 365 days, and we want to continue doing many more in the coming year.

But before we turn the page to start 2023, we have separated all the events held by the nuclei and some images that we would like to share. How about a retrospective? Let’s go!

1- Sapezal

The year of the Sapezal branch was enriching and full of challenges.

“Our first mission was to introduce the movement to the women of the city and explain what our mission, vision and values are. The event took place in March and in it we managed to gather almost 100 women in a pleasant and relaxed evening.

In 2022 our partnership with Senar and the Rural Union grew even stronger, and with them we were able to carry out several actions throughout the year, such as the Semeia Project and the Sons in the Field.

The Semeia Project aims to make children aware of the origin of food, in order to arouse their curiosity about life in the countryside. The Children in the Field Project aims to introduce children to the realities of agribusiness and its production stages.

We also made visits to the Campeira stall so that the children could interact with the animals and learn about their hygiene, feeding, and daily activities routines. We made some technical visits to the field to get to know intensive cattle raising and the cotton processing industry up close.

In August, we held the 2nd edition of our Agro Technology Fair, with the theme also focusing on livestock, where we took 186 teachers to the intensive confinement unit in Sapezal. We kept our relationship with the Education and Culture Secretariats even stronger, and we know that these partnerships were indispensable to bring us closer to the teachers and consequently to the feeling of belonging and respect to our movement.

During the year we carried out several actions referring to tree day, teacher’s day, cerrado and environment day, corn day, among others, and we were able to register in photos how these special moments were.

The Sapezal center impacted approximately 3 thousand people this year, mainly students and teachers

2- Lucas do Rio Verde

In the retrospective of the Lucas do Rio Verde cluster, we will check the main moments of actions that were developed by the Agroligadas.

We carried out the following projects and actions:

  • Where It Comes From Project
  • Field Day with teachers from the municipal schools (Livestock and Swine Farming)
  • The Cattle and its By-Products Project
  • Crop Show – BR 163
  • Corn Festival
  • Participation in the V Seagro
  • Participation in the 3rd Meeting of Agribusiness Women
  • Several actions in rural communities

We have had a very special year and are grateful for the support of all the partners and women in agribusiness who have been with us in 2022.

3- Bahia

The 2022 actions were aimed at marking the return of the Agroligadas Bahia movement, since the core was suspended. We introduced the new coordination and kicked off the projects.

The first of them was a women’s meeting with the theme “The important role of the women’s movement in Agribusiness”, held on June 4th, on the last day of the largest agribusiness fair in the north and northeast, the Bahia Farm Show, in Luís Eduardo Magalhães/BA, for 25 women in the Agro & You space.

On October 21, we held the Cotton Day, in commemoration of the date of the crop, with an educational action for approximately 80 children from the community of Rosário, municipality of Correntina/BA, in partnership with the Bahian Association of Cotton Producers – ABAPA and the Project Mãos Dadas Rosário.

The national “Where does it come from?” action took place on November 5th, in five branches of the local Santo Antônio supermarket chain, in Luís Eduardo Magalhães/BA;

On November 18 we participated in the Agroligadas 2022 Workshop, an event where we were able to present the actions for 2022 and also the planning for the following year;

We hope to welcome them all with open arms at the beginning of 2023 with our Agroligadas Meeting, an event that will aim to further engage the women who are enrolled in our nucleus and present our projects for the coming year.

4- Sinop

The year 2022 was very special for the Agroligadas of the Sinop – MT nucleus.

With more than 20 far-reaching articles published in several media, besides two participations with space in Rede Globo, several projects and actions focused on agribusiness were carried out.

In the scope of Education, the center put 7 projects into practice, including the Agroligadas Circuit, where more than 1500 students were directly impacted. With the 5 technical training events held, we impacted approximately 150 people. We participated in 26 events organized by the public and private sectors, reinforcing this bridge between the publics. At the Norte Show Kids we reached an average of 2,000 people, and it was amazing!

We hope to be able to continue our projects in 2023, welcoming with open arms all the women who want to be part of our group.

5- Green Field

The Agroligadas of the Campo Verde nucleus also experienced special moments in 2022.

During the year several projects and events were held, such as participations in the Radio Program, broadcasted by CBN Cuiabá. Café com Prosa and Mulheres de Flores e Fibras were also very important moments, where we brought women together to talk about what we love most: agribusiness.

We also held the Agroligadas Tour with the Professors and the Getting to Know Agronomy, not forgetting the Where It Comes From, which is a very important part of our projects.

So, are you all ready for 2023?

6- Barra do Bugres

Active since 2020, the Barra do Bugres – MT branch now has 114 participating women, covering more than 7 municipalities around the city.

Among the actions carried out during the last 12 months, we can highlight the project From Where It Comes From, Coffee and Prose, Tree Day, and the writing contest that was promoted.

In 2022 we brought together the two largest mills in the participating cities of the nucleus, students, and professionals in the 1st Bioenergy Meeting of Mato Grosso, which reached an average of 700 people.

In the coming year, our mission is to continue watering the seed we have planted, reaching even more children, teenagers, and adults, and showing that agribusiness also thinks about sustainability.

7- Tapurah

We started the year 2022 planning our Women’s Day event, which was sensational, with the participation of many women in agribusiness. We also carried out actions in the school, presenting the children with the ox puzzle and lectures with professionals in the area to help in the interaction with the classes, talking about the bovine by-products.

We also participated in the 7th Piglet on the Roll Festival in Tapurah and in many other events where we were able to take more information about agribusiness to the children in a playful and comfortable way.

We really enjoy working with the children, because we see their joy when we arrive at the schools. We can make a difference and change people’s thinking about agribusiness and prove that it is not the villain of the story.

8- Confresa

The Confresa Nucleus held and participated in several events and projects in 2022. Check out the details of each action:


Held in Confresa and Santa Cruz do Xingú in 05 establishments.

1st Agro Women Dinner in Santa Cruz do Xingu – 03/12/22

Participation of more than 40 women, with a lecture about women’s valorization by Senar, raffle of gifts!

1st Dinner Women of Confresa Agro – 03/26/22

Participation of more than 90 women, with a lecture about valorization of women and family succession with Melissa Freitas, raffle of gifts, live show, a night dedicated to women!


150 7th and 8th grade students from Central and Tapiraguaia Municipal Schools participated, learning about environmental laws, sustainable production, use of defensives, and environmental preservation.


Students were able to learn about the legend of corn, make collages and drawings about corn, and taste corn pudding, corn cake, and popcorn. 100 pre-school and 1st grade students from Escola Municipal Ricieri Berté participated


450 students from the Ricieri Berté Municipal School and Santa Cruz State School participated. The lecturers were the Agronomic Engineers Akiles Santos and Júlio Flávio Gervásio.


Participation of 40 7th grade students from the Ricieri Berté Municipal School, visiting the Bunge Alimentos facilities and following the whole process of receiving, drying, storing, and shipping grains.


Partnership between Agroligadas and Grupo Famato Jovem, with lectures by Camila Telles, rural producer and Agro communicator, and Caio Penido, president of IMAC. The participation of more than 280 rural producers and people connected to the Agro, moved 06 cities in the region.

AGROLIGADAS CIRCUIT – 03 to 11/10/22

Carried out through a theatrical lecture with actor Rodrigo Scher – Senar MT, there were 14 lectures in 7 days, in the cities of Confresa, Porto Alegre do Norte, Santo Antônio do Fontoura, and Santa Cruz do Xingú, with a total of 1350 students participating.

We know that there will be many more projects and events to come in 2023, and we invite you to be with us at each one of them. Let’s go together!

9 – São Paulo

In 2022 the São Paulo nucleus became active and carried out actions in several cities in the state, to connect together the countryside and the city through Communication and Education.

We organized the “Coffee with Wine” tour in Espírito Santo do Pinhal, valuing the local production of this region, as well as a Field Day at an organic dairy farm.

In the online scope, we organized two lectures with special guests. The first was about Market Research and Marketing in Agribusiness, with the presence of Caetano Haberli Jr, and in the second, we invited Amalia Piazentini Borsari, from CropLife Brazil, to talk about organic products.

The coordination met face-to-face on two occasions, impacting directly and indirectly by the presence and performance of the core. This makes us extremely happy and satisfied, as it shows the result of our work and efforts to take agribusiness beyond the gates.

We look forward to seeing you in the upcoming actions that will be taken in 2023!

10- Paraná

In the retrospective of the Paraná branch, we had many projects connected to nature, planting seeds and native and fruit tree seedlings, which were carried out in several cities along with our partners.

We also carried out the On the Farm project, where we took the children to get to know a little bit of each culture up close. We also gave a special presentation on returnable garbage, where we were able to have a considerable impact on all the little ones who were with us.

We also participated in several events, such as the national ones held by the Agroligadas, as well as AgroBit, which took place in November.

It was a year of many new things, and we are eager and ready for the next one. May it come even better!

11- Primavera do Leste

After starting its activities in August this year (2022), the Primavera do Leste center showed how much women can contribute to the segment that feeds the world through their actions and participation in events of national and regional projection.

The core is made up of women farmers, psychologists, administrators, agronomists, and physical therapists, with each one working in her own area, but all united towards the same mission: to connect the countryside and the city.

After having acted in society in 2022, they are now preparing for a 2023 with even more actions focused on agribusiness.

12- Roraima

The retrospective of the Agroligadas Roraima nucleus starts in March 2022, when the movement was present at the event “O Agro em Destaque” idealized by FAERR/SENAR, where the illustrious content creator Camila Telles, approached the importance of divulging the Brazilian agribusiness. At the event it was possible to see the exhibition of materials produced by training courses offered by SENAR Roraima, such as Medicinal Plants, production of sweets and jams, interactive panels in a totally digital footprint.

In May 2022, the coordination meetings of the Roraima Nucleus started with the following Agroligadas: coordinator Roberta Davoglio Nicaretta, Neidimara Moraes, Cristiana Menechini Winkler, Fernanda Ramalho do Nascimento, Elizabeth Mitie Fukuda and Mirian Dallabona, who started to build the movement’s identity in the state.

In August 2022, the core held a lecture for women with Claudia Luz, an advertiser and corporate communication specialist, where she emphasized communication with empathy for the agricultural sector, relating cases of her experience, stories of producers on and off their properties, bringing compression and the importance of presenting agribusiness well.

We ended the year with an interview that took place on Radio Folha, in order to approach agribusiness with empathy and also to talk about some projects planned for 2023.

We are already looking forward to 2023!

13 – Rio Grande do Sul

Check out the main moments of 2022 in the trajectory of the Rio Grande do Sul nucleus!

Our Agroligadas have worked to unite the countryside and the city, and are now preparing for the year 2023, which is coming with many new features!